It’s my hope that the information gained from my blog will be beneficial to my audience; perhaps beneficial enough to be included in personal learning networks. Personal learning networks allow all of us to utilize applications such as Twitter, Diigo, and RSS readers to collect information on our chosen interest. As evident from my blog, my interest lies within the use of video streaming websites, such as YouTube, to reach a large audience. My personal learning network led me to an online article by Andrew Bossom about finding fame through YouTube.
Bossom asserts that, given the continuous uploading of videos to YouTube, the odds of becoming famous from a video are quite bad: “As a result, it's pretty much a million-to-one chance that your videos will ever be noticed by anyone who can make you famous (¶2). Bossom continues by warning aspiring YouTube stars to not try to tip the scale in their favor by including copyrighted material, misleading tags or descriptions, and spam. He advises that such mistakes can often lead to annoying your audience or violating user terms that could lead to the deletion of videos. (¶5)(¶6)(¶7)
I’m guessing you have heard that old adage: if at first you don’t succeed, try, try again. Bossom stresses the importance of continuing to make videos, even if your initial attempts don’t gain the exposure you had hoped. (¶8) He continues by adding that your videos should feature what you’re good at, what makes you original: “You should also try to concentrate on what you're good at: whether it's comedy, journalism, how-tos or just straight vlogging, experiment to see what you're most comfortable with and do that” (¶9).
“How to achieve YouTube fame” is a great example of how personal learning networks can help you gather information regardless of the topic. The better the information you find, the better the chances of you being able to achieve your goal.
On that note, I would like to close with a YouTube video by a very funny, young lady. Her YouTube username is JennaMarbles and her video “How to trick people into thinking you’re good looking” has received nearly 10.5 million views since July 2010.
Bossom, Andrew (2008). How to achieve YouTube fame. Knol. Retrieved November 15, 2010, from: